Information Services
Based on mandates and agreements in the Information and Technology Centre operate the FAO Depository Library, the AGRIS FAO National Centre and the Specialized Agriculture Library.
Main tasks of the Information and Technology Centre
- the development of information and communication services to support the building of an information society in the field of agriculture and rural development
- the support for informatization in the sector
- to support the information linkage of the sector to the national and international environment
- Ensuring an efficient and effective access to the required information and information resources within the agriculture and rural development sectors.
International cooperation on scientific and technical information in relation to the FAO
Activities are ensured by the Slovak AGRIS FAO National Centre and the FAO Depository Library due to the resolution of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Slovak Republic No. 406/1993-100 from February, 1st 1993.
The library performs the tasks of a special agricultural library. The Library holdings amount about 11,000 library units and consists of the FAO Depository Library fund and the EU Publications fund. There are 56 titles of periodicals in the fund. The Library Fund is processed electronically into a database which is part of the Integrated Information System AGROKATALÓG.
Open: Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 14:00
Within the framework of an international exchange of publications, the library cooperates with Slovak and foreign information centers and libraries, and the international network of agricultural libraries AGLINET.
- in-house loans (magazines, books, collections, encyclopaedias, statistical yearbooks)
- outhouse loans (according to the Library Statute)
- search services
- Interlibrary Loans (ILL)
- International Interlibrary Loans
- reprographic services
Lists of Acquisitions